

I do not wish women to have power over men but over themselves.

Mary Shelley

We discuss various aspects of womanhood and femininity from a Biblical perspective, covering topics such as mom life, wife life, parenting, homeschooling, singleness, dating, homemaking, and more.

Mom Life
Understanding This Key Lesson About Your Child’s Education Is Essential For Every Parent!
Mom Life

Understanding This Key Lesson About Your Child’s Education Is Essential For Every Parent!

The key lesson every parent needs to understand about their child’s education is that academics are NOT the most essential part of educating a child. Academics is only one aspect of learning and training a child needs to grow up and be well-rounded. Whether you homeschool or not, a parent/guardian is a child’s most important…

6 reasons to integrate technology into your homeschool routine today

6 reasons to integrate technology into your homeschool routine today

Technology and Homeschool While people are increasingly using technology for homeschooling, many parents fear making the switch. Homeschool mindsets usually consist of keeping children safe and innocent. So when computers are mentioned, it can trigger parents into thinking their children won’t be protected or learn traditionally. Here are several reasons you don’t need to be…