Mom Life: Emptying Yourself For The Sake of Everyone Else
I’ve been reading through the book of Mark these last few days, and chapter six really made me stop and think. I couldn’t help but notice how much Jesus’ life mirrors being a mom! Jesus recognizes the needs around Him and empties Himself for the sake of everyone else. Similarly, being a mom is all about doing your best to meet your family’s needs and caring for children who are constantly taking from you without the slightest concern for how it makes you feel.
What really struck me the most about Jesus was not how exhausted He was but how incredibly loving and compassionate He remained. I think we can really learn from His example as we navigate motherhood. Let’s talk about some ways we can grow in our own godly character by looking to His example!

“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
Our culture encourages a fast-paced lifestyle. We often rush our kids to various sports events and school activities. We sign up for mid-week Bible study and have dinner plans several nights each week. On top of that, we have daily chores, work commitments, and numerous other activities to manage. None of these are bad or wrong; most people are trying to give their kids the best life possible and trying to be good stewards of various ministries God has placed on their hearts.
Let’s look at what Jesus says to His disciples after they return from being sent out, telling people they should repent:
“The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark 6:30-31
We must remember that our personal and spiritual rest is essential, too. If we are always in a rush, we can easily neglect to nourish our bodies with wholesome food and feed our souls with the teachings of Scripture. In the pursuit of so many distractions, we may miss out on quiet time with Jesus, who truly fulfills us. If we are not careful, we may find ourselves offering sacrifices in place of true worship.
There is a flip side to this that I have to touch on because I know there are some moms who don’t have much to do; instead, most of their day is spent at home. This is me! My family moves around a lot, and we occasionally put our kids in sports because of our lifestyle. Most of my days are spent at home with my children, doing various homemaking activities.
Yet, I must carve out time in my day to be alone with God and not spend my hours scrolling on my phone or being too busy with various tasks that I neglect to fellowship with Him.
Christ provides our rest, nourishment, strength, and genuine satisfaction. As Jesus told the disciples to come away with Him and rest, we should remember to do the same.
It isn’t about seeking perfection; it’s about intentionally setting time aside to seek God’s presence. Jesus would sneak away to be with the Father, and sometimes, His plans were interrupted. Don’t forget to have grace when your moments of rest are met with knocks at the door and dirty diapers that need to be changed.

“He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.”
Too often, I am impatient with my kids as they learn to navigate life’s challenges. One is learning to tie their shoes, another is working on math problems that I no longer remember how to do, and another is going through emotional changes that leave me wanting to avoid them at all costs throughout the day. While reading this week, I was reminded that I need to be a compassionate shepherd to my children.
Look at this beautiful illustration of Jesus caring for a large crowd of people who come to him as soon as he steps off a boat:
“When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things.” Mark 6: 34
I understand that being a mom is not an equal comparison to the glory of Christ, but there is a meaningful reflection in that our children look to us to meet their needs. We are their shepherds while they are under our roof, and they should find a compassionate mother ready to help them when needed.
Being a mom to young children, especially multiple young children, is taxing, but like any season, it soon passes. What kind of mom do you want to be while your children are at home, dependent on you to be their compassionate shepherd?
I want to be like Jesus! I want to wake up and see my children’s needs as an opportunity to love them the way Christ loves me.

Emptying your life
Imagine that everywhere you go, someone wants to touch you, needs something from you, and constantly expects you to give of yourself without receiving anything in return. I’m pretty sure I just described what it is like to be a mom! But I also described what it was like for Jesus everywhere He went.
As you can see here:
“And wherever he went—into villages, towns or countryside—they placed the sick in the marketplaces. They begged him to let them touch even the edge of his cloak, and all who touched it were healed.”
Mark 6:56
People are gathering around Jesus, wanting to touch Him in hopes of being healed. As a mom, I get a small glimpse into what it may have been like for Christ to be constantly needed. I already feel overwhelmed with my five kids and one husband! I can’t imagine having crowds of people following me everywhere, seeking to touch me for their own benefit. Yet, Jesus worked tirelessly day and night to love and heal everyone who reached out to Him.

As I continue reading through the Gospel of Mark, I am reminded that every circumstance in life presents an opportunity to respond as Jesus would. If we keep this perspective in mind, we can compare our reactions to how He interacts with people, using His responses as a guide for our own. Whether we are a wife, a mother, a boss, or a friend, we are all called to be examples of the hands and feet of Jesus, emptying ourselves for the benefit of others, for the glory of God.
I don’t know what it was like for Jesus when He sought the Father. I imagine he brought all his worries and cares to Him, as we are instructed to do. The next time you are overwhelmed by all the tasks and events of motherhood, bring your cares to the Lord, for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). I hope this reflection was encouraging and you find hope in the strength of Christ as you pursue life’s journey of being a mom.