Mom Life
Hobbies for Stay-at-Home Moms to Enrich Mind, Body, and Spirit
If you are a stay-at-home mom looking for hobbies and things to do with all the time you have while babies are sleeping, try some hobbies for mind, body, and spirit.
31+ Non-Electronic Activities For Kids To Do During Holiday Breaks
Here is a list of over 30 activities for kids to do while they are on holiday breaks. All of these activities can be done at home or close to home and require minimal to no supplies. We are a homeschool family and the activities I will be sharing are things my kids do on…
Understanding This Key Lesson About Your Child’s Education Is Essential For Every Parent!
The key lesson every parent needs to understand about their child’s education is that academics are NOT the most essential part of educating a child. Academics is only one aspect of learning and training a child needs to grow up and be well-rounded. Whether you homeschool or not, a parent/guardian is a child’s most important…